It would be very appreciated if you could please fill out this survey for your dog. We use these responses to make our breeding decisions. If your dog is still a puppy, you may get this a few times before their first litter so we can see how the responses change as your puppy grows into an adult. If your dog is an adult, you may only receive this survey one time.

Guardian Dog Survey

For dogs in Fox Creek Farm’s breeding program.

  • Please try to be exact
  • Prey drive means your dog likes to watch or chase wildlife or other animals. Given the opportunity, they may attack the wildlife.
  • Example for one of my dogs: Millie wakes up around 7am to go potty and eat breakfast. She sleeps most of the day, but is always ready to jump in the car to go anywhere. She loves chewing on her nylabones after she eats breakfast and dinner. Sometimes she will play with my other dogs. She loves to cuddle on the couch in the evenings. When she’s outside for a potty break she likes to chase birds!
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