Testimonials About Fox Creek Farm

First off, let us just start with a huge apology for not reaching out to you sooner. Each passing month we would say “we have got to send an update to Amy Lane ” on what an amazing dog Cooper is and then it seemed we let the moment slip by. We are sorry.
Attached please find your survey, and 2 pictures of Cooper: one at 2 months (the weekend that we brought him home), and another from this past month. He is slowing down at 30 pounds…so we’re pretty certain that this will be his size moving forward. He has a gorgeous color and beautiful, wavy thick coat of fur.
While we have had dogs growing up, Cooper is by far the most exceptional dog from many perspectives. As a puppy he was a quick learner and showed a constant friendly disposition. As he grew, he continued to be very outgoing to both people and dogs and displayed a very fun-loving and relaxed personality. What is most noteworthy about his personality is his insatiable need to be with the three of us in our house. He is visibly “hurt” if he can’t be by our side. He follows us everywhere and is a constant, loyal companion. We have one child, a 7 year old, and he refers to Cooper as his “little brother”. They are inseparable. When our son gets off the bus after school, Cooper let’s out a little cry and barks with emotion at seeing him. The other noteworthy thing about Cooper is that he has a very calm disposition. Don’t get us wrong he was a very active and curious puppy but he has a sense of calmness of which you would expect to see in an older dog. We entertained quite a bit over the Christmas holiday and we got many remarks in regards to their surprise that he was still under a year old. The other consistent comment we get is that he is absolutely beautiful. People often ask us about his breed and remark how gorgeous he is. In your review of the pictures – I am sure you will agree!
We feel so fortune that we where recommended to you by Kathy Hoffman and we received a puppy. He is an amazing dog and integral part of our family. I am sure you always wonder if your puppies are truly embraced by their new families and if they went to good homes. You should know that Cooper is being truly loved each and every day and he is an exceptional dog.
Many thanks for reaching out to us. If you are ever in the need for references, please do not hesitate to contact us. Also, please feel free to add the included pictures to your website.
Chuck & Karen Sibble
Hi Amy,
Kesha went to her first Vet visit yesterday and all is well. The office girls at the vet just loved her. She has met all the neighbors and their dogs and the local kids can t get enough of her. They sit on the lawn and Kesha goes from lap to lap.
She has been sleeping right through the last 2 nights after a few initial nights of 2-3am trips outside and not a single toilet accident yet (touch wood). She even goes to the door when she wants out. Maybe the doggy door training has something to do with this. We don t have one but leave the back door open with the full glass storm door closed so she can see out.
Loves the car and likes to see out the window. Snaps at the wind coming in as if trying to bite it. Does the same with the hair dryer. I assume she got this from the dryer in the kennel. She is so funny. We will take her for the first ride in the convertible this weekend when we go a our nephews ballgame and see what she thinks of that.
You did a great job matching Kesha to us. We feel we got the best puppy from the litter. Hopefully all the other parents also feel the same way.
We can t thank you enough for our bundle of joy. The kennels and your dogs show the love and pride you take in your work. We will not hesitate to recommend you to anyone looking for a Goldendoodle.
Will send some more pics when she gets a little bigger.
Kevin and Sharyn
Hi Amy,
Just some snaps of Kesha at 3 months.
She is doing very well. Gets last set of shots next week and then can progress to rabies :-( The vet just loves her.
Everyone stops us to play with her. We have given your details to a few people while just walking her at shopping centers. The kids just love “the puppy”. She is happy to accommodate all requests for a pat. The parents just ask where we got her.
She gets on with Ben the black lab across the road real well and follows him when we walk. Can’t say the same when it is just Sharyn or I on our own. Ben fusses over her like a little sister if she gets tangled in her leash and trips, helping her back up with a nudge from his nose.
The bell training worked really well. Thank you for that. I also think the puppy door at the kennel gets them used to going out. We can say she has not had a single accident that was not caused by lack of our attention. I now have a bell in my mancave TV room in the basement (where she had the accident because I was too busy watching sci-fi Friday) and she now uses that to be let upstairs and outside. They are such a smart breed.
I will have to get a picture of her sitting in the convertible. She sits half in back and front on the center console between us on a bed I made to fit. Sits up with her head in the breeze loving every minute. I think she enjoys the cool breeze due to her long hair. It has been hot and humid at home and we will ask the vet next week about whether it is too soon to trim her or not. Will help with the heat as she loves to be outside.
She now sits, lays down, shakes and gives high fives when asked as well as fetching her doggy football when we throw it. The drop ball is next on the list as she likes to make us chase her for the ball as we go to take it from her after the fetch.
Just let me know if I swamp you with too many pictures. We could not have asked for a better dog. She is a testament to the quality of the breeding program at Fox Creek Farm and we are so in love with her and proud to show her off. While they have seen her in video conference, my girls cannot wait to come from Australia for Christmas to meet her.
We have both asked at times should we have gone for two dogs but with the neighbors dogs she has plenty of company. Maybe in a few years we will be back for a puppy to keep the older Kesha company.
Again thank you very much and we will keep in touch.
Kevin and Sharyn
Hi Amy,
Hope you are well! The completed form is attached. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Bottom line – you gave us EXACTLY what we wanted…and so much more! Dexter does not shed – my mother has had NO issues with allergies, he’s super smart (sometimes too smart and outsmarts us), he is wonderful with kids/all dogs, loving, and last but not least, he is absolutely the best looking goldendoodle in Boston :)
I have also attached some pictures of Dexter.
Thanks again for everything.
Take care,
Lori & John
Hi Alicia!
You have found the best breeder I have ever dealt with. We already had a full-sized goldendoodle (Marley) and loved him so much that we wanted another doodle. Marley is a first generation doodle and weighs 90 pounds. I didn’t know I could get a smaller doodle until I found Fox Creek Farm as a result of a Google search. I emailed Amy immediately, and she called me within a few minutes. We spent about an hour on the phone, and I felt a real connection to her. There was not a doubt in my mind that we had found a brother for Marley.
She kept us informed about the litter, and each of us on the list was to choose a puppy, based on photos. For some reason, one of them caught my eye immediately. He looked so serious – a thinking doodle! By then, we had sent her the deposit. When she allocated the pups, I got my first choice, but I would have taken any of the tiny puppies.
Ziggy, named after Bob Marley’s son, has been with us for a year and two days, and we love him to pieces. When we drove from Pittsburgh to Berkeley Springs, we didn’t know what to expect other than the pictures and other good info Amy posts to her website. For starters, Fox Creek Farm is lovely. The dogs are kept in a separate building from the home, and it was absolutely spotless. There were doodles of all ages wandering around, although the babies were confined to large, clean, comfortable pens, each equipped with a doggie door. Little Ziggy fit in my two hands and was adorable.
Amy spent almost two hours with us and gave us a lot on info on training, etc. One thing she said has still stuck in my mind: “I’m so lucky to have a job I love.” She meticulously screens all the puppies, even going so far as to have a special DNA test done. The test determines whether or not the dog has some kind of obscure eye problem (I think I’m right on that.) It is immediately obvious that she loves her dogs, a few stray cats and other creatures.
As for Ziggy, the vet said he was in perfect health and has remained so. He is Mr. Popularity with the grooming salon, where we take him every five weeks. His picture is the wallpaper on their in-house computer system. I don’t know whether or not you have other pets, but Ziggy immediately bonded with his two brothers. Now that he’s fully grown (about 50 pounds), he and the other two love to wrestle and play bite the ear. If one of them has to go to the groomer or the vet, the remaining two are a little frantic.
I know I’m rambling, but I cannot begin to tell you how much we love Ziggy and Amy. Her loving care of all her animals is amazing. You will not be sorry if you have an Amy-bred dog.
If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 412-563-4431
I will personally guarantee that you will love your doodle! When you get him or her, please send me a picture. I’ll send you a picture of Ziggy in a separate email.
Susan Becraft
I’m sending your questionnaire by snail mail, but I thought I’d send some pics of your best doodle ever. Maybe bragging a bit, but so many people have told me that they have never seen a cuter dog. He’s also the Einstein of dogs. We are constantly amazed at how intelligent and intuitive he is. Keep in mind we have had dogs for 40 years! I m sure you hear this often, but I m also sure you love hearing it! We have had many “interviews” and have several dogs in the area that have been adopted because of him. He is quite a spokesman for the breed and for you as a breeder.
Add that to his loving, adorable, charming personality, and we have one heck of a great dog here.
If you have another litter from his parents, we would be interested. I can’t imagine better breeding. I am sending a few pics, so just enjoy the fruits of your labor. ain’t he cute!!!!!
Does anyone know….. that you gave us the best puppy of the bunch? ;) We are so deeply in love with our Ginger and we can’t thank you enough Amy! She is the sweetest, most loving, and freakishly smart dog on the planet. Not to mention so terribly cute that we can’t walk down the street without getting stopped numerous times to receive love and attention. She’s wonderfully socialized, great with kids and even us bigger folks is full of love and goodness and…..seems to be hypoallergenic! Zoe has only had reactions when she gets a piece of Ginger fur in her eye or some such oddity. Anyway, we are elated beyond belief and just wanted to say thank you!! While you can t see her perfect size, attached please find a picture of our (and your) delicious girl. We love her endlessly. Thank you!!!
Dempsey is making quite an impression on the soccer sidelines in Baltimore lately!! He is such a cute fur ball and so well-behaved!! I am complimented constantly about what a great temperament he has. I have been asked more times than I could tell you where I purchased him from. I have mentioned your name and passed on your web address to several people, look out!!
Dempsey is in his 4th week of dog obedience school and doing well! He is great about the crate during the day and at night. He is great with the kids and so easy with other dogs. I take him monthly to my husband’s workplace. I host a book club and he is the main attraction. My husband’s business is senior living and I take Dempsey to this independent/assisted/memory care senior living facility. The guests love him and he loves them. I plan to train him for therapy training after obedience school.
Thank you again for sending us a wonderful dog. We love him so much. He is a joy and he has already touched so many lives with joyful licks and cuddles. I will try to send you a photo too soon. Janine Golden
Hi Amy!
We wanted to give you an update on our first week with Luna :-) We honestly can’t believe how much she has changed in a week. All of the advice you gave us while we were there and the information on your website has been extremely helpful. By our second day with her she knew her name and responds to it when we call her. She has improved a lot with crate training. The first couple of nights were a little rough and my wife and I took turns on the couch, but the last few nights she has slept through the majority of night without a peep. During the day she will go into her crate to take naps (without us putting her in it) and when we do put her in it while we are home she will take a nap with little fuss.
She is quickly becoming a local celebrity and that is not an understatement! We’ve never met so many neighbors than this past week. All of the employee’s at the vet are in love; my family and my wifes family are in love; I brought her to meet my coworkers last week (20 people were there) and they were all in love too. The same comment everyone makes is, “if she didn’t move she would look like a stuffed animal”. Needless to say, we have given out your contact information to some of our friends.
Speaking of the vet, her first visit went well with no major issues to report. She has another appointment next week. The vet had a lot of advice for us and all of it reinforced what you told us when we came to pick up Luna. We also got a puppy “starter kit” that had scienece diet puppy food, which we are using as Luna s “veggie” treat. She can’t get enough of it- so much so that she already knows how to sit, lay down, go from lay down to sit, and shake! Its pretty amazing to us how smart she is. We are also trying to teach her to ring a bell when she needs to got outside.
Potty training has probably been the most difficult thing for us. If you look a way for a second and turn around to look back at her there could be an accident already! We continue to adjust the frequency at which we take her out and she, as well as us, get a little better each day. Shes doing pretty well with our cats too. They have shown a lot of curiosity and tolerance so far. They aren’t quite as good as accepting getting licked in the face as your cat, but they are well on their way :)
We can’t be happier with our choice to buy our golden doodle from you. She’s been a joy so far and a lot of work, but we’ve loved every minute of it. Thanks for everything and we will send you another update with a picture next week!
Best Regards,
George & Laura
Just thought I would update you on my puppy Quinn’s progress and send some pictures! She is absolutely perfect. She is the most loving and playful dog, and so smart. She was easy to house break and train thus far. She knows sit, down, stay, shake, wave and heal already. There is absolutely no shedding and my mom has zero allergy problems with her. She plays sooo well with other dogs and LOVES swimming. We go to the lake or the beach as much as we can.
I have given out your website so many times I have lost count because people CONSTANTLY ask me where I got her and how they can get one!
Hope all is well. Thanks again for the best little girl I could ask for!
Dear Amy,
Tonight, going through some old papers, I came across your card and address from the time we bought our goldendoodle, Roxie, from you. She is now 8 years old.
I wanted to let you know that she is happy, healthy, and as active as any puppy (though more mature in all ways of course!). She gets lots of exercise every day and keeps up with her “little brother,” a mixed breed 10-month old puppy we adopted from a rescue league last September.
Roxie is perhaps the most perfect dog ever. She loves to play and will run around, play or walk anywhere with me, but if you are sitting quietly or hanging out, there she is doing the exact same thing contentedly. She is ridiculously obedient.
She is extremely cute and people always ask me about her.
Thank you so much for the gift of Roxie!
Jodi Jacobson
Dory has fit in so well. Both Annie and Minnie love Dory. Dory is everything we had hoped for. Her appetite is great, she sleeps great in her crate at night. (which is by our bed, which is by Annie and Minnies bed). Annie has showed her the ropes of Carolina boxed turtle hunting in our back yard. We have a big fenced in back yard with winding pathways and between the rain we go out and play. Only 2 pee pee accidents (both times my husband was “watching” her). She is smart, spunky and loving. Bravo to you and the integrity of Fox Creek Farms. There are a lot of places that produce too many and not well thought out litters. Thanks again!
We are SO in love with our puppy. She is doing great! She’s now 9 ½ pounds. She gained 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks! Her behavior is extraordinary and the girls are LOVING every minute of her. She sleeps through the night and is great at tea parties (except when she runs away with her tea cup… J ) She is adorable. We are working on not having her jump and nip- but she’s been SO easy to train I’m thinking if we focus on this one we’ll get it under control. She really wants to please. I have to figure out how to upload our pictures. She is such a pleasure. You will be hearing from friends and other folks we’ve met- all of whom can’t believe how adorable and good she is and want one like her. I’ve had countless people ask me if you still had puppies available from her litter! She is getting a lot of socialization since I take her to all sorts of kids sporting events, etc. she meets LOTS of people (no dogs yet other than Keisha)- until she’s fully vaccinated.
Thanks for everything. I can’t tell you enough in words how much CC is loved. She is an important part of our family.
Dear Amy,
On your survey, we marked Luna as average intelligence, but it is probably more accurate to say she’s between average and superior, but since she is the first dog we have raised on our own its hard for us to really know the difference between average and superior. Just to give you a few examples: She knows the basic commands (sit, lay down, up, down, stay, come, drop it, roll over, shake, speak, high five, etc.) and learned all of those within the first month of having her. If you ask her to bring you a toy (ball, kong, wubba, bully, rope, etc.) she’ll go search for it and bring it to you. She knows not to get on the furniture. When its bed time and we ask her if she is ready to go “night night” she goes in her crate. She’s always been well behaved on the walk; following us, no pulling, and no barking at other dogs. No major headaches with potty training either. There were some accidents, but she picked it up pretty quick. She loves going to the vet. Not kidding or over exaggerating; she really loves going to the vet. When we pull up to the vet’s office, she knows where she is and gets so excited. We are probably just biased and proud Doodle owners, but we feel so lucky to have her!!! And we are so glad that we got her from you. All of your instructions and the information on your website were spot on. You are truly a pro and we have recommended you to all of our friends. We can’t wait to get our next Doodle :-)
George and Laura Freeman
Dear Amy:
I have attached the survey. I cannot thank you enough for the sweetest, funniest and most wonderful dog on the planet. She is
beloved by all. We are known in our neighborhood as Bear’s family. People fall in love with her. She is sweet and sensitive. For
instance, it took her a full week to recover from her spay procedure. The vet called her a drama queen. Yet, she is tough as nails when she is out with the other dogs. She plays sweetly with the tiny dogs and is so happy to jump in with any other dog her size or larger. She loves to run around, swim in the ocean, fetch balls (thank goodness for my husband) and generally has added a dimension to our lives we could only hope for.I never spoke baby talk to the kids – but we all do it with Bear. I will hear the kids bickering outside, the minute they open the door,
they melt and say – “Hi, the puppy, we love you, how are you… – if someone is sad, she will sit right next to them. She is so smart and
is training well. (or better yet, we are learning to be good owners with appropriate supervision).I cannot thank you enough for being such an incredible breeder. Bear
is a gift to all of us.Best,
Sue Bear
Dylan is adjusting beautifully. He only criedd for 10 minutes the first night and he is sleeeping at least 7 hours at night with no complaints, in his crate of course. He is smart and very well adjusted. We love him. He had his vet visit yesterday and he got an A+. The vet was very impressed with you as a breeder and wants your information so that she can refer clients to you .
Thanks so much,
The Piper Family
I doubt you even remember me, but about 11 years ago we got our Goldie from you. Goldie is truly a beloved member of our family. She sleeps with me/us every night and has from early on. She’s just so special. Her disposition is wonderful drawing everyone in. She is doing really well from a health perspective and is loved to the nines! You couldn’t have placed her in a more loving setting.
In any event, I was thinking of Goldie and you this afternoon and thought I’d take a moment to let you know that so many years later, I still thank you for giving Goldie to us. She keeps me (especially) grounded after a long day’s work. Always greets me at the door and no matter the time of day or night, ALWAYS follow me wherever I go in the house.
Hopefully this “feel good” message helped make your day. Goldie makes our each and every day.
Best always,
Cricket is pure joy and I am so grateful to have her in my life- its impossible to be around her and not smile. She is spunky and affectionate (sticks like velcro!) and just so smart. She smokes everyone else in obedience class :) Thank you for being so careful and selective with your breeding- Cricket is about as perfect as a puppy can be! I attached one of her younger pics that I love with her favorite toy, ducky. I’m excited to get you an updated one soon.
Thanks so much again for such a great dog. There is not a person who meets her that isn’t immediately smitten.
Hi Amy,
Just checking in and showing you a picture of Roux taken today in the snow. Since he was born on August 30, 2012, I guess that makes him almost 5 months! He is adorable and we love him. He slept through the night VERY quickly and is now in a crate in the kitchen and he loves it. Potty training also went very well and faster than I thought (waits by the back door when he needs to go). Only very occasional accidents when we are not doing our job. He finished his round of puppy shots last week, he is scheduled to be fixed on March 1, and he had his first haircut two weeks ago—we can now see his precious eyes. He is fun, playful and has brought so much joy to our lives. You breed absolutely the best animals—he’s gotten together with some other Amy Lane golden doodles and they have so much fun together. Thank you for your hard work to make Roux for us. I hope we can get another one of yours at some point. ;)
All our best wishes for a happy 2013!, The Whites (Jill, Burton, Wiley, Sarah and Burton IV)
As we approach one year that we have Ruby in our lives I just wanted to remind you what an amazing job you are doing. There truly is something different about Foxcreek Farm Goldendoodles. We know other people who have gotten Goldendoodles from other breeders and they just aren’t the same. There’s often a difference in personality- ability to be trained- and overall behavior.
Now that we have three in our neighborhood it’s fun to watch them play together. I enjoy watching the Brenner’s dog grow, since Ruby was already grown when we got her. As a matter of fact, all three were at the same dog sitter over the holidays. It was apparent that they had spent time together before and they were comfortable with one another. In addition, the dog sitter was so impressed with Ruby that she now allows her to stay up in the house portion, rather than the kennel area. Last night Ruby found herself sleeping in bed with the dog sitter. Although, I am terribly sad when we drop her off and it isn’t that often, I think Ruby appreciates the chance to be with other dogs. Plus the dog sitter truly cares for her as if she were her own. Although Ruby wasn’t originally a bed sleeper- she’s been making herself quite comfortable there for many months now. More than once she has positioned herself on her back with her head on the pillow- waiting for her belly to be rubbed.
Ruby truly is a lover. She just wants to be with us, rubbed and enjoys giving kisses. Our whole family is truly smitten. Our niece and nephew love her and she loves them back. My niece now closely monitors your webpage in search of her own puppy. She turns 11 this week and is actively trying to convince her parents that she NEEDS a dog just like Ruby. I don’t think that’s in the card- but she will have Ruby to play with and enjoy. As we have discussed she is really smart. It’s amazing to watch her respond to particular phrases. Whether in the house or finishing her walk if I say “Where’s Jeffy” she gets a spring in her step and is on the hunt for Jeff- tail wagging up a storm until she finds him. She continues to love to ride in the car, go for long walks and snuggle whenever possible. She’s added a whole other level of life to our home. Truly can’t imagine life without her.
Thanks again.
Happy New Year.
I hope all is well. Attached is the completed survey as well as some pictures of Franklin over the past year. I can’t believe it’s been a
year already! Thank you so much. Franklin is amazing. He is maturing nicely. Housebreaking was a breeze. He was sleeping soundly
after a week or two. We started formal training back in November. I wish I could pick it up as quickly as he does. He plays with his
friends every afternoon at the park. His best friends are two goldendoodles (3 and 6 months older than he) and a 10-year old standard poodle. We let his hair grow long at first but have since been keeping it a bit shorter. Whenever we go to the vet every technician and
doctor likes to visit with him. They can’t say enough great things about him. Everyone in my office loves “Franklin Fridays” when I bring
him in. I could go on and on about all the great things but I’m sure you hear it all the time. We are so happy to have Franklin in our lives.
He is amazing. For all the smiles he has brought, thank you.Best,
Mark, Alley & Franklin
Hi there! Briefly, more details later, I wanted you both to know that Teddy’s alert training is going beyond well. His owner, ******* had a massive heart attack in her sleep a few days ago. Her Apple Watch didn’t alert her, but TEDDY did. He started pawing her and jumping on her, and then barking, which brought her night nurses in and they rushed her to the hospital. She almost didn’t make it, but thanks to Teddy, she’s still with us. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Hi there. I’m a dog trainer who specializes in coaching families through puppyhood, and I foster litters of rescues using Puppy Culture. So many troubling doodles have come through my doors — often from PA, often with giardia, often with zero eye contact. So I went to my consult with the ***** feeling dejected in advance. But … there was little Beamer, manding all over the place, happily sleeping in his crate night #1, heading to the door when he had to pee, utterly unfazed by this new stranger, etc. I almost cried. I know a Puppy Culture pup when I see one. Thank you for being a responsible breeder. I know full well how much work it is. But the diff between your pup and the rest of the doodles out there is night and day. So thank you and congrats. I’m going to recommend you.
Annie loves to play fetch and run. She is very fast and light on her feet. She is a tomboy when she plays with her brother, Hoot, but is a real momma’s girl and follows me everywhere. She is very smart! She likes to roam around the house at night checking on everyone, She can settle and rest or she can be ready to zoom around the yard. She is a Therapy Dog in Training for Fido’s For Freedom and will be certified at the end of this year.
Bruni is amazing and is the perfect dog for our family. He is smart, friendly, gentle, sweet, silly, lovable, and good with friends, strangers, and other dogs. He is also so handsome, especially with his white markings, to the point where people stop us on the street / at the park constantly!
Cider is the dream dog! She is so smart, funny, and most importantly, cuddly! She is always ready with a dog hug when I come home each day and just wants to be with you! Everywhere we go, we are constantly sopped by people remarking how beautiful she is with her white markings. She is smart-almost too smart- and she came home Milos ready to learn and be a part of our lives furever! Thank you FCF for the best friend anyone could ask for!
Cooper truly is the sweetest puppy, and is the ideal city dog. He is a very calm dog who never barks and loves meeting new people. Every day, Cooper brings me so much joy, but most importantly, he derives so much joy from bringing others joy when he meets them. Almost every day, someone will comment on how much like a teddy bear he is, how handsome his markings are, and his generally sweet demeanor. In just the last 4 months that Cooper has been with me, he has brought so much happiness into my life. I’ve never met a puppy with as much personality as Cooper. He has his moments of being silly, but he’s incredibly intelligent and sweet to other people. I’m so excited to see how Cooper continues to grow and learn. Thank you for bringing this gift into my life!
Wilson has brought so much happiness into our lives. He is intelligent, loving, silly, and so, so sweet. Thank you FCF for matching my fiancé and I to Wilson. We cannot imagine our life without him!! We will definitely be back for a sibling. :)
Zosia has been a great addition to my family. From the day I picked her up she has been by my side and is truly my best friend. She’s fearless, sassy, and oh so sweet. Her temperament is pretty calm, but she also has her moments where she is full of energy and excitement. She is amazing at self play and usually get EVERY SINGLE TOY out of the toy box before the night is over. Everyone who has met her has absolutely loved her – I always get comments about how happy of a dog she is. Fox Creek Farms did an amazing job with matching Zosia up with me and I will be forever grateful for that. Thank you for giving me my “furrever” friend.
Dear Kelsey,
Words cannot express how thrilled we are with Jolene joining our family. She has been with us for a little more than two weeks and the transition to our home was literally seamless. She is such a smart, friendly, fun, cuddly, loving puppy. She has brought back some pep in our thirteen year old Jack and has really been an absolute joy. They bonded immediately. I don’t know what Waffles and Dart are like, but sweet Jolene has the most pleasant disposition. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this precious girl.
Riley is the nicest dog and loves both people and dogs equally. He loves long walks, swimming, and playing with all of his toys. We are looking forward to starting a family because we know he will just love our kids :)
Ruby is such a sweet girl and so easy to have around. She loves to play with other dogs but is also content on walks and playing in the yard. In the mornings she loves to be pet and cuddled but at night she prefers to have her space. She was so easy to housebreak and we couldn’t be happier!
Murphy is a happy, curious pup. She loves to run around in the backyard and play with other dogs at doggie daycare (we take her for half days about 3 times/week). She gives great hugs and is a great cuddle pup/snuggler on a cold winter day or any day! Our vet’s office told us she would be a great therapy dog, which I was considering anyway as a future endeavor.
We are so in love with this dog! I am so thrilled that she is such a cuddle bug. Very affectionate! She’s 100% puppy! We really enjoy her and to be honest she is exactly what we asked for. Temperament is just precious and so loving. He likes to walk and run and has gotten big and strong and can go on longer walks now, but he is also content to hang out and nap when we are working at home. Super easy-going and all-around awesome. We feel so lucky and grateful for our wonderful puppy! Hank is truly a dream dog – so sweet and playful and loving. We love him so much and say a big thank you to everyone at Fox Creek for bringing him into our life!
Dazzle is a fabulous little pup! She has adjusted beautifully to her active NYC life! She’s a bit sassy (I call her sassy Dazzy) but in a good way. So much personality. She is full of love & joy! She loves sticks, balls, all her toys, all humans and all dogs (even big ones! She’s fearless).
Dash has been an amazing addition to our family! He is friendly, happy, sweet and very smart. He is also a great looking dog with beautiful coloring. I can’t even count the number of times that I have been stopped on the street by people with compliments.