Contact Us for More Information

We carefully deliver puppies by car to West Virginia, Virginia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York & Delaware. Special arrangements can be made to deliver puppies to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, Florida, and anywhere else in the continental United States.

Schedule a phone call with Fox Creek Farm!

Working with dogs and puppies is an exciting, but busy job! There’s always puppies to socialize and play with, dogs to drive around, and places to be. This is why I don’t always answer when you first call, but speaking to you is important to me so here’s some tips.

If you don’t catch me, please leave a voicemail and I will call you back asap or schedule a phone call with me for a time that works for you so I know to be available!

You could email me anytime to set up a call as well!


740 Mauzy Rd.
Berkeley Springs, WV 25411



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